Rock Springs Photos

Continued from preceeding page

From Wyoming Tales and Trails

This page: Rock Springs, Bitter Creek, Coscriff Store, Miners Hospital.

Big Horn Basin Black Hills Bone Wars Brands Buffalo Cambria Casper Cattle Drives Centennial Cheyenne Chugwater Coal Camps Cody Deadwood Stage Douglas Dubois Encampment Evanston Ft. Bridger Ft. Fetterman Ft. Laramie Frontier Days Ghost Towns Gillette G. River F. V. Hayden Tom Horn Jackson Johnson County War Kemmerer Lander Laramie Lincoln Highway Lusk Meeteetse Medicine Bow N. Platte Valley Overland Stage Photos V Rawlins Rock Springs Rudefeha Mine Sheepherding Sheridan Sherman Shoshoni Superior Thermopolis USS Wyoming Wheatland Wild Bunch Yellowstone

Table of Contents
About This Site

"C" Street Crossing, approx. 1920.

On the right is the Rialto Theatre.As shown in the next photo, the "C" Street Crossing was dangerous and the scene of many accidents involving impatient drivers or horse and wagon teams that were trapped on the six sets of tracks.

"C" Street Crossing, approx. 1920.

In 1929, a welcoming arch indicating the importance of the Rock Springs Coal Company was constructed at the "C" Street Crossing. The sign indicated that coal has been important since the arrival of the railroad. Indeed, Rock Springs owes its existence to coal mining, quite unlike other surviving cities along the Railroad which were division points.

"C" Street Crossing, approx. 1929.

In the late 1930, the State continued a program of eliminating grade level crossings over the Union Pacic Railroad. The grade level crossing at "C" street was eliminated and in 1941 the Arch taken down and moved.

Rock Springs Arch, 1941. Photo by William P. Sanborn.

With the demise of the Rock Springs Coal Company, the arch found a permanent location at the intersection of U.S. Highways 30 and 187 (the intersection of Elk, Center, and Bridger).

Rock Springs Arch, 1947. Photo by William P. Sanborn.

Rock Springs Arch, 1947. Photo by William P. Sanborn.

Based on the puddles and Sanborn's number system, both photos were taken within minutes of each other. Note in the lower photo the Rainbow Coal sign to the left. It was the last coal tipple in Rock Springs. It was torn down in the 1960's. There the arch stood, rusting away and proclaiming to all the world the glory that once was.

Rock Springs Arch, approx. 1952.

Ultimately the sign was repainted and later the message changed.

Rock Springs Arch, 1950's.

Rock Springs Arch, approx. 1960's.

Changes have overcome the intersection.

Intersection Elk and North Center, undated.

the one-story building to the left of the Gambrel roofed building housed the Chamber of Commerce. The arch was originally constructed by public subscription organized by the Lions Club with matching funds donated by the coal companies. A new arch has now been constructed downtown near the original location.

Next Page: Rock Springs Mines.