Douglas, Wyoming, Center Street, Looking East, undated. Compare with same view
from 1920's at bottom of page.
In the beginning things looked a bit shakey for Douglas. Thus in 1887, Emerson Hosea Kimball (1842-1932), founder of
the Douglas Graphic,
wrote of the City:
We had great confidence in the future of Douglas, and showed our faith by our works, and we are
sorry to say the present state of affairs here does not justify
our expectations. Douglas made a wonderful growth for three or four months, but the
expected spring boom has not become visible to the naked eye."

Center Street, Looking West, Douglas, 1909, note motorcar on the right background.
E. H. Kimball is today remembered for having been charged by former Gov. George W. Baxter with criminal libel for his
ravings in the Graphic about large cattlemen and the Johnson County War. Baxter was
president of the Western Live Stock & Land Co. The dispute with Kimball was not the only
altercation Baxter had with a newspaperman. Earlier in 1889, Baxter got into a brawl with the
six foot one, 230 lb. editor of the Cheyenne Sun, a man affectionately known as
"The Cheyenne Avoirdupois," Edward Archibald Slack (1842-1907). In 1905,
Baxter moved to Colorado. Baxter served as Territorial Governor for slightly over a
month. He took the oath of office Nov. 11, 1886. His resignation was demanded
less than a month later on December 8, by his
superior, the Secretary of the Interior, as a result of Baxter's fencing in of government lands.
Twelve days later his resignation was submitted. Thus, his administration due to shortness is not remembered
for any accomplishments.

Fraternal Order of Eagles Band, Douglas, 1910

Center Street, looking east, 1920's

Douglas High School, undated.

Douglas High School, undated.
Next page: Wyoming State Fair.