Saratoga School, 1907.
As were other towns of the era, fraternal orders were active in Saratoga.
In addition to the Masonic Lodge, other fraternal orders were instituted including the Eastern Star, Modern Woodmen of the World,
the Knights of Pythias, the Odd Fellows, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
 Saratoga, approx. 1910.
 Saratoga, looking east, approx. 1939.
 Saratoga, approx. 1965.
 Bridge Street, Saratoga, looking West, 1915.
The two-story building on the right housed Gus Jensen's hardware store.
 Bridge Street, Saratoga, looking west, approx. 1939.
 Bridge Street, Saratoga, looking west, approx. 1941. Photo by William P. Sanborn.
 Main Street, Saratoga, approx. 1949. Photo by William P. Sanborn.
North Platte photos continued on next page.