"A Calf Roper," Bill Gollings, 1908
Elling William "Bill" Gollings (1878-1932) was born in Pierce City, Idaho Territory. After his
mother died he was reared on a farm in Michigan by his grandmother. His family moved to Chicago and in
1896, Bill returned West and worked on various ranches in Southern Montana and along the Rosebud and
Belle Fourche. He started painting with materials ordered from Montgomery Ward. Soon his sketches were
being widely circulated in the Sheridan and Billings areas.
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Left, "The Ranahan," Right, "A Sheepherder"
A ranahan or "ranny" is a top hand.

"'Hello' Mr. Coyote"
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Left, "Roll Your Tails," Right, "The Upset Bedroom"
"Roll Your Tails" depicts a cowboy chasing a run away pack train.

"Saddling Up"
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Left, "The Rangeland Girl," Right, "Bronco Kid"
Bill Gollings ultimately moved to Sheridan where he set up
a small studio. He died following a heart attack in April, 1932. His paintings are regarded as
comparitively rare.
Music this page: I Ride an Old Paint
Next Page: Bill Gollings continued.