Branding contest, 1912, Photo by Oscar C. Hayes, courtesy Armstrong Archives
The remaining 1912 Frontier Days photos on this pages are by Oscar C. Hayes and were provided by the
Armstrong Archives. The branding contest was a timed event. each contestant was required to brand four calves, Fastest won the event.

Calf Roping contest, 1912.
Indicating the importance of the 1912 Frontier days is that it was attended by Col. Zack Miller propriator of the Miller Brothers 101
Wild West Show and by Guy Weadick manager of the Calgary Stampede.

Calf Roping contest, 1912.

Military maneuvers by 9th Cavalry, 1912. Note the dust cloud arising from the
cavalry coming from the left.
In the next photo the cloud overtakes the military maneuvers as it lines up against the fence across from
the band stand.

Military Naneuvers, 1912.
The impact of the differences between C. B. Irwin and the Frontier Days Committee had an immediate impacts. The lawsuit
came to a head in May. Hearings were held on the Committee's application for an injunction. Irwin's lawyers contended that the
committee lacked what lawyers call "standing;" that is they argued that the Frontier Days Association was not legally incorporated.
The District Court did what many courts dating back to King Solomon do, it cut the baby in half. Irwin last the
Standing argument. The Association, according to the court, was a "de facto" corporation and could, thus, complain. The Motion for the
injunction was denied to be held over for an evidentiary hearing. Irwin's new show opened in June attracting on its first
day some 2,000 attendees. The show was held in a mammoth tent which could seat 10,000. To put on the Frontier Days show in August the Frontier Days
Committee had to scramble. Many of the top riders and ropers were no longer available having joined
the new Irwin Brothers Show. Not participating were Frank Carter world champion broncho buster, Frank Maisch chamption Steer Roper and Joella Irwin champion relay rider.
They were all with Irwin's show opening in Minnesota when Frontier Days was to open. Boosters traveled to Fort Collins and Denver to attract assurances and visitors to the
Show. the three top contests had no former champions participating.
The Irwin Brothers previously provided stock for the show. The Committee turned to Eddy McCarty of Chugwater.
The word was put out. Scobey and Price from Byers, Colorado provided 20 horses. Eastman & Carmen from Orin, Wyoming brought in horses as did the Cook outfit from Wheatland.
Word was received that eight ropers from Winnipeg were coming. Charley Irwin usually provided Sioux Indians for the show.
Word came from Wind River that Chief Porcupine of the Arapahoe with others was coming.

Ed McCarty on "Silver City,", 1909. Postcard by J. E. Stimson
The caption on the reverse of the above postcard, with no mention of Ed McCarty, reads:
Silver City is one of the most noted broncos of the southwest, and is a very hard horse to ride.
Only cow boys of nerve and daring will attempt to climb this "Outlaw." He was the only horse
to "down" Charlie Irwin the "Giant Cowboy" at Frontier Day."

Ed McCarty on Steamboat, Wyoming State Fair, Douglas, 1910.
webscan copyright G. B. Dobson, 2004.
Ed McCarty later became a noted stock contractor and developed the famed "Chugwater String." More photos and discussion of
McCarty is on a subsequent page.
A collective breath was held. Would the usual crowds come? Col. Cody came escorted by cowboys. The front page of the
Tribune depicting the crowds in front of the Interocean Hotel answered the question.

Portion of Front Page Cheyenne Tribune
By 1914, the Show was coming back to normal.

Ernie Green on Powder River, 1914. Photo by Joseph Shimitz.
Ernest M. "Ernie" Green was from LaGrange, Wyoming. He first appeared in the 1911 Amateur Rough Riding Contest which he won. He
also won the same contest in 1914. In 1912, he was thrown by the C. B. Irwin's bronco Woodrow Wilson. In 1914, Ernie placed
second in the bulldogging contest. He also appeared in some of the
Irwin Brothers Wild West Shows including the 1916 Laramie Plains Roundup.
Mext page: The Robbins Brothers, the Wembley Rodeo